Christmas Gifts at Mary’s Place

In preparation for Mary′s Place Holiday Gift Giveaway, Mothers for Others met at the outreach location in an old church on Lexington Avenue. We sorted through blankets, hats, gloves, socks and toys to fill gift bags with each for different ages and genders of children. Once we organized ourselves and got into a rhythm, we started to really make great progress.

Thank you to McQuaid mom, Zina Hocker (P′21) and her family for the generous donation of blankets and boots from Pavilion Gifts. The truck arrived in time for helpers to unload many boxes for display under the trees at the altar. We could feel the electricity in anticipation of both giving and receiving these precious gifts at Friday′s party.

Another big thank you to Meg Burkhard, McQuaid mom and Director of Mary′s Place, for hosting us and for the delicious goodies as we worked.